Cat Compact with Machine Drive Power (MDP)
Cat Compact with Machine Drive Power (MDP) is an energy-based measurement system that correlates compaction with rolling resistance to provide an indication of soil stiffness. An optional mapping system helps operators visualize work as it occurs.
  • MDP empowers operators to determine when compaction meets target value and when to move on to the next job, preventing unnecessary passes.
  • Energy-based measurement system correlates compaction with rolling resistance to quickly provide an indication of soil stiffness.
  • MDP automatically detects areas that have inadequate moisture below the soil surface.
  • MDP measures closer to the depth of the lift with less variability than accelerometer-based systems, even on cohesive soils. It also works on a wider range of applications.
  • Achieve uniform compaction in fewer passes to minimize fuel consumption and manage asset usage.
  • Hit compaction targets every time with reporting and documentation tools that give a real-time view of progress.
  • Display offers easy access to information to help operators of any experience level work more efficiently.
  • The basic measurement system includes MDP measurement technology. You can add mapping capability as your jobsite needs grow, with two levels of accuracy.
  • Optional interface mapping system enables operators to visualize their work and quickly identify areas of concern.
  • Mapping correlates compaction measurements to the location they were taken, allowing operators to visually monitor progress, identify trouble spots, ensure coverage and uniformity.